Developing Music Technology for Emotion Regulation and Motor Rehabilitation

TitleDeveloping Music Technology for Emotion Regulation and Motor Rehabilitation
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2020
AuthorsAgres KR
Conference NameProceedings of the 16th WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy
Keywordsbrain-computer interfaces, emotion regulation, Motor Rehabilitation, music & medicine, Music MedTech, music technology, serious games

Medical technology (MedTech) involving music is increasingly being developed for various clinical and non-clinical contexts to support health and well-being. This paper focuses on two recent systems that allow users to steer their own wellness and recovery: a BCI system for emotion self-regulation in listeners (Ehrlich, Agres, Guan, & Cheng, 2019), and a motion-capture game for motor rehab (Agres & Herremans, 2017).