Selected press and media coverage

  • Ehrlich, S., & Agres, K. (2021). Music based brain-computer interfaces – an interview with Stefan Ehrlich and Kat Agres. PLOS ONE Blogs interview, available here. Our interview was also shared on social media by Yale-NUS College.
  • Agres, K. (2021). Music for the mind: Researchers develop brain-computer interface that matches music to your mood. article. Article available here.
  • Agres, K. (2021). Music for Health and Well-Being. Interview for "YST Research Stories.'" Interview available here (and shown below). The interview was publicized on NUS social media.
  • Agres, K. (2018). The evaluation of computational creativity. Interview and cello performance. Channel NewsAsia, 'Why It Matters'. Broadcast on Dec 24, 2018. Singapore. Link to video.
  • Agres, K. (2018). The Language of Life. Invited scientist and speaker for the STAR lecture, Singapore Science Festival, broadcast on TV Channel 5 by Mediacorp, October. Singapore.