Grand Rounds talk this Friday morning at the National University Hospital (NUH) - all are welcome

This Friday morning, June 21st, I'm honoured to be giving a Grand Rounds talk at NUH on 'Developing Music-Based Technologies to Support Cognitive, Motor, and Emotional Wellness'. The talk is free and open to the public (one does not have to be NUH affiliated), and a light breakfast will be served. The abstract is below, and details about time and location may be found in the poster advert.
Abstract: Music-based approaches to healthcare have gained increasing traction in recent years. In this talk, Dr Kat Agres will present a brief overview of music therapeutic approaches to rehabilitation and well-being, as well as recent research conducted by the Institute of High Performance Computing Music Cognition lab. Models that classify the affective content of music for emotion mediation will be presented, as well as a novel Brain-Computer Interface system that assists listeners with self-regulation of their emotion states. Recent research exploring the use of auditory statistical learning tasks to predict cognitive function in the elderly will then be shared. Finally, a novel music-based MedTech game for motor rehabilitation will be discussed, as well as future plans for clinical validation.