neural networks

New paper out on 'nnAudio' - congrats to my PhD student Raven Cheuk!

So proud of Raven for driving forward this excellent work. Our paper is entitled "nnAudio: An on-the-Fly GPU Audio to Spectrogram Conversion Toolbox Using 1D Convolutional Neural Network" (authors: Kin Wai Raven Cheuk, Hans Anderson, Kat Agres, and Dorien Herremans). It's open access (free to read!) and published at IEEE Access, available here:

Workshop announcement: International Workshop on Deep Learning for Music

The International Workshop on Deep Learning for Music (DLM 2017) is now accepting submissions!
I am pleased to announce that I have been invited to be a speaker, as an interdisciplinary (cognitive science) voice in the mix.
Details may be found *here*.